Friday 27 April 2012

Rehersal & Flowers

So months ago, buying wholesale flowers and doing the centrepieces myself looked like a great way to save money and have that DIY flare that I like. My aunt knows a bit about flower arrangement and offered to help out so I was grateful and took her up on the offer.  Now, during the week up to the wedding, things aren't going so smoothly.  My poor aunt who has every intention of fulfilling her promises, is constantly set upon by her grandchildren.  Every time she says she's supposed to be helping me, suddenly her son's bring over their kids.  I know that that's her family and it is her priority but couldn't they wait until next week?
For example we were supposed to finish all the boutonnieres last night, however her son showed up with his newborn.  She was so happy so see the baby, and then that pushed back our entire schedule.  Instead of getting things done early, we got the bouquets ready.  To make things worse we had the rehearsal and dinner today, so we were rushing.  My sister offered to stay home with my aunt so that she could finish off everything.  I must say I took this the wrong way.  All of the stress of the wedding coalesced around me and I had a mini-breakdown.  I couldn't believe that she didn't "want" to come to the rehearsal.  After calming down a bit, I realized that she was trying to get the flowers done, not trying to ruin my planning.  So I then asked her to drop my aunt home.  By which time we were all a bit late for the rehearsal.

Just one more day of everything, and then I'm married. 

Sunday 15 April 2012

Bachlorette Party

So my bachlorette party was a massive failure.  I just wanted something simple and fun and that was all f-ed up.  I was supposed to stay in the city and just go out clubbing.  My matron of honour was supposed to come.  Her daughter was sick and her husband hung over.  Who can know what really happened, but she didn't show up.  We waited for her, and she didn't even call to say she wasn't coming.  My friends were a bit put out, apparently they had gotten a hotel room for me because of things that she had said to them.  I was so angry.  But just another way my bridesmaid has screwed me over.

Yet, another great part of the bachlorette was that I determined that I was the ugliest lady in the party.  All the guy were hitting on all my friends left right and centre.  And I was left by myself.  After the night progressed, and the guys had failed, they started hitting on me.  I guess in retrospect that makes me second best.  How great is my life? Maybe I should be happy that I found someone who love me for myself.  However realizing that you an ugly person is a bitter pill to swallow.

After we were finished clubbing my friends did not want to sleep at the hotel with me.  I was lucky, my cousin came and she hung out with me.  She must have noticed how pathetic I was.  But they promised me to come meet me for breakfast.   But when breakfast came, they didn't show up.  Then on my way home one of the organizers called me to say that the hotel gift was my present.  And that he was covering it for me. 

A few of my friends where  who in charge of the bachlorette decided to get me a hotel room that they could not afford.  They depended on the money from the other guests, who didn't show up. So they was stuck with a large bill that they couldn't afford.  I didn't even know that the money was an issue.  I would have never accepted a room, if I knew it was going to this much drama.  But like the rest of this wedding, something had to go wrong.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Bridal Shower

My surprise bridal shower was thrown by my delinquent bridesmaid.  She got me good, all her misdeeds were forgotten & forgiven.  She threw a wonderful shower with all my friends and family.  It was exciting and fun.  However during the shower, I felt unnerved.  It was only one month away from my wedding.  It felt surreal. 

I always thought that a bridal shower would be so fun, I never thought that all my fears would resurface.